Thermostat datalogging reboot/major update

I had a post a while ago talking about how I log the thermostat data from a couple of thermostats located at my parents home.

Well, take a look at the new!

This URL actually points to a separate Raspberry Pi (an older Model B) than the one that this site runs on.

I’ve updated the UI & added some stats calculations. What other stats could be useful for thermostats? I’ve thought of:

  • Average deltaT
  • Average daily temperature
  • Number of cycles

I’m no pro with nice looking web design or CSS, but I know enough to be dangerous. Also working to have the CSS reside in it’s own external file – right now there’s some in supporting php files, as well as inline in the HTML. I need to work on my coding style!

The code is located here, as a GitHub repo.

See any bugs? (I’m working to fix a security issue).